important Idioms and phrases : 145 টি অতি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Idioms and phrases
145 টি অতি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Idioms and phrases will help you to make rich sentences.
1. Brown study – দিবা স্বপ্ন।
= Me friend is engrossed in brown study.
2. Blue ribbon – সর্বোচ্চ পেশাগত সম্মান।
= The secretary of ministry is considered the blue ribbon in Bcs Job.
3. Beside the mark – অপ্রাসঙ্গিক।
= Don’t talk beside the mark.
4. Big wig – বিখ্যাত ব্যক্তি।
= Nelson Mandela is a big wig around the world.
5. Black art – যাদুবিদ্যা।
= we are bemused of his black art.
6. Blow hot and cold – একমুখে দুই কথা।
= No one likes him who blows hot and cold.
7. Bid one’s time – সুযোগের অপেক্ষায় থাকা।
= The intelligent person never loses temper, he bids his time.
8. Bellwether – দলের নেতা।
= The Rab failed to arrest the bellwether.
9.Bear away the palm – বিজয়ী হওয়া।
= We should always try to bear away the palm in our life struggle.
10. A bull in a China shop – চলাচলে বেপরোয়া।
= Mr. Caxton is a bull in a China shop.
11. Be that as it may – সে যাহাই হোক।
= Be that as it may, I can’t loose you anymore.
12. Below the salt – নিম্নমানের।
= He has provided some clothes that were below the salt.
13. A bird brain – নির্বোধ ব্যক্তি।
= You can’t expect nothing good from a bird brain.
14. Judge a book by its cover – কোনো ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর বাহ্যিক সৌন্দর্য দেখে বিচার করা।
= Do not judge a book by its cover.
15. A bad egg – বাজে লোক।
important Idioms and phrases
= Don’t pass your valuable time for a bed egg.
16. Bottom of my heart – অন্তরের কেন্দ্রস্থল থেকে।
= I always thank u from bottom of my heart.
17. Barking up the wrong tree – কোনো কিছু পাওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে ভুল ধারনা রাখা।
= You shouldn’t keep barking the wrong tree.
18. Browbeating – চোখ রাঙ্গানো।
= I love your daughter from bottom of my heart, So I don’t care your Browbeating.
19. Buoyant health – সুসাস্থ্য
= Honourable Prime Minister belongs to buoyant Healt.
20. Abode of God – স্বর্গ।
= All people expect to go in Abode of God but they don’t perform their duty according to their religion’s instruction.
21. At home – সুপরিচিত।
= Mr. Bean is at home around the world for his funny acting.
22. At length – অবশেষে।
= All of the spans of Padma bridge have been installed at length.
23. At one go – একবারের প্রচেষ্টায়।
= He became Bcs cadre at one go.
24. At bottom – বাস্তবে।
= He seems aggressive but at bottom he is a kind and good natured.
25. At sea – হাবুডুবু খাওয়া।
= Priya is at quite at sea in English.
26. At one’s beck and call – আজ্ঞাবহ।
= Mr. Rahim is always at my beck and call.
27. At one’s own sweet will- নিজের খুশিমতো।
= A matured boy and girl can enjoy their life at their own sweet will.
28. At all events – সর্বাবস্থায়।
Wherever I stay, she is in my minds at all events.
29. At a pinch – জরুরী অবস্হায়।
= A true friend can be found at a pinch.
30. As like as peas in a pod – একই বৃন্তে দুটি ফুল।
= The two sisters are as like as peas in a pod.
important Idioms and phrases
31. Against the grain – অনিচ্ছায়।
= She agreed with me against the grain.
32. All over with – সর্বস্বান্ত।
= After loosing her only son, she is in all over with.
33. All and sundry – সবাই।
= All and sundry have to take the taste of death.
34. Above board – ন্যয় ও বৈধ।
= His activities are open and above board.
35. Out and about – সক্রিয়।
= Now the old man is out and about his health.
36. Bad blood – শত্রুতা।
= His neighbors are always bad blood to him.
37. To give up the ghost / to kick the bucket – মারা যাওয়া।
= The old man kicked the bucket yesterday.
38. As a rule – নিয়মমাফিক।
= He takes dinner as a rule.
39. Advanced in life – বৃদ্ধ।
= The lady is advanced in life.
40. At a stretch – একটানা।
= Memories the above phrases at a stretch.
পোস্টটি সম্পূর্ণ পড়ে ভালো লাগলে” next ” লিখে সাথেই থাকুন।
Some idioms & phrases
41. To play the sedulous ape -কাউকে খুব মনোযোগের সাথে নকল করা।
= We are expert in playing the sedulous ape.
42.To break the ice – নীরবতা ভেঙ্গে কথা বলা।
= If you are wise enough, you had better break the ice.
43. Over the top – অতিরিক্ত বা বাড়াবাড়ি।
= He is doing over the top of a trifling matter.
44. Ten to one – খুব সম্ভবত।
= Ten to one, she may meet me today.
45. To make clean breast of – সত্য বলে ফেলা।
= The honest can’t hide the truth, rather they make clean breast of.
important Idioms and phrases
46. To lighten the atmosphere – উত্তেজনাকর পরিস্থিতি শান্ত করা।
= A true leader always try to lighten the atmosphere.
47. Men of light & leading – খ্যাতিমান ও নেতৃত্বস্হানীয়।
= Sheikh Mujibor Rahman was a men of light and leading.
48. Stand (sb) up- কারো সাথে দেখা করার কথা বলে দেখা না করা। ( রোমান্টিক সম্পর্কের ক্ষেত্রে)
= You gave me words but you kept me standing up hours after hours.
49. To drive home – জোর দিয়ে বলা।
= When political leader delivers speech, he always drives home.
50. Yellow dog -( হীন ব্যক্তি, কাপুরুষ)
= No one likes Yellow dog.
Some important phrases with sentence
51. Green eyes – ঈর্ষা
= Your green eyes will ruin you one day.
( তোমার ঈর্ষা একদিন তোমাকে ধ্বংস করবে)
52. Helter -skelter – এদিক-ওদিক
= The people got so frightened that they started running Helter -skelter.
( লোকজন এতই ভীত সন্ত্রস্ত হয়েছিল যে সকলেই এদিক সেদিক দৌড়াতে শুরু করলো)
53. Without fail – অবশ্যই
= I will give you my answer tomorrow without fail.
( আগামীকাল আমি আমার উত্তর অবশ্যই তোমাকে দিব)
54. Blow one’s own trumpet – নিজের ঢোল নিজে পেটানো।
= Do not trust a man who blows his own trumpet.
( ঐ লোককে বিশ্বাস করো না যে নিজের ঢোল নিজে পেটায়)
55. Take somebody into your confidence – কাউকে নিজের গোপন বিষয় ও ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য বলা।
= Raju is someone you can take into your confidence.
( রাজু একজন ব্যাক্তি যাকে তুমি তোমার নিজের গোপন বিষয় ও ব্যক্তিগত বিষয় বলতে পারো)
56. Know how – বাস্তব জ্ঞান।
= He lacks the know how of dealing with the issue.
( বিষয়টি সামলানোর ব্যপারে তার বাস্তব জ্ঞানের অভাব রয়েছে)
57. Time and again – বারবার
= He was told time and again not to do it.
58. Down and out – খুব গরীব।
= She is down and out now
59. Runs errands – কোন কিছু কেনা বা মালামাল পৌছে দেওয়া।
= Antara is always busy as she runs errands for the entire family.
60. Take the bull by the horns – সাহসের সঙ্গে শত্রুর বা সমস্যার মোকাবেলা করা।
= when you are in bad times, take the bull by the horns.
61. A big draw – বিশাল আকর্ষণ।
= The cricket match proved to be a big draw.
62. French leaves – বিনা অনুমতিতে ছুটি
= No one should enjoy French leave.
63. Strain every nerve – সর্বোচ্চ চেষ্টা করা।
= Try to strain every nerve to achieve your goal.
64. at the beck and call – আজ্ঞাবহ
= The maid is at the beck and call of my mother.
65. Couch potato – অলস ব্যক্তি।
= He can’t shine in life because he is a couch potato.
important Idioms and phrases
66. Hot potato – সাম্রতিক কোনো জটিল বিষয় বা কোনো কঠিন সময় বা পরিস্থিতি।
= Nowadays Trump failure is a hot potato .
67. Tell off – কাউকে বকাবকি করা।
= His father always tells him off not to have a job.
68. Keep a low profile – মনোযোগ এড়িয়ে চলা।
= He is pretending such a way that he is keeping a low profile .
69. Lachrymose nature – কান্নাপ্রবণ।
=After getting severe hurt from his boyfriend, she is now in Lachrymose nature.
70. Brain -box – বুদ্ধিমান ব্যক্তি।
= My son is really a brain -box.
71. Watch out for – সতর্ক হওয়া।
= watch out for your enemy.
72. Without issue- নিঃসন্তান।
= At last the old man died without issue.
73. Weed out – মুক্ত হওয়া।
= At last she weeded out from mental depression.
74. Word for word – হুবহু।
= He copied my essay word for word .
পোস্টটি পড়া শেষ হলে next লিখে সাথেই থাকুন।
75. Three R’s – প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা
= Three R’s is our basic rights.
76. Take to heart – মর্মাহত হওয়া।
= She takes his remarks to heart.
77. Take to one’s heels – ছুটে পালানো।
= The thief was so terrified that’s why he took to his heels on seeing policeman.
78. Tip the balance – প্রভাবিত করা।
= The judge cannot help tipping the balance.
79. Touch and go – ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ।
= It was touch and go decision.
80. Tighten one’s belt – অর্থনৈতিক সংকটের সময় ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ ব্যায় কমানো।
= During this pandemic time, we should tighten our belt for the betterment of our family.
81. Throw up the sponge – হার মানা।
= You shouldn’t throw the sponge until fulfill your ultimate goal.
82. Throw light on – ব্যখ্যা করা।
= If you want to write something to make the people understand the gist, throw it light on easily.
83. A tenure position – স্থায়ী পদ।
= If someone wants to hold the tenure position, he has to work hard.
84. Talk out – মীমাংসা করা।
=Talk out your hassle with your enemy.
85. Under lock and key – নিরাপদ।
= We need to hide our important ornaments under lock and key.
87. Under the thumb- পুরোপুরি বাধ্য।
= My brother is under the thumb of his wife.
87. Under the weather – সামান্য অসুস্থ।
= Today I’m under the weather.
88. Weather the storm – বিপদ কাটিয়া উঠা।
= The perished family became able to weather the storm.
89. Widow’s mite – দারিদ্রের ক্ষুদ্র দান।
= Khukhi who is from Rajshahi is a tangible example as a window’s mite.
90. Without reserve – সন্দেহাতিতভাবে।
= The girl accepted my offer without reserve.
important Idioms and phrases
91. Wolf in sheep’s clothing – বন্ধুবেশী শত্রু।
= Please be careful from a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
92. Six feet under – সমাহিত হওয়া বা মারা যাওয়া।
= Because of coronavirus, there are thousands people in six feet under now.
93. Sharp practice – অসত ব্যবসা।
= Nowadays many people are becoming rich by doing sharp practice.
94. Second to none – unique / অদ্বিতীয় /একমাত্র।
= The leadership of Sheikh Hasina is second to none.
পোস্টটি সম্পূর্ণ পড়া শেষে “Next ” লিখে সাথেই থাকু
95. play fast and loose – ছিনিমিনি খেলা।
=Mithila played fast and loose with tahsan’s love.
96. Play hide and seek – লুকোচুরি খেলা।
= The newly married couple are playing hide and seek .
97. Play ducks and drakes – নয়ছয় করা/ অপচয় করা।
= The naughty boy is playing ducks and drakes with his father’s hard-earned money.
98. To push somebody to the wall – কাউকে পরাজিত করা।
= It’s tough to push Usain Bolt to the wall.
99. To paddle one’s own canoe – নিজের বিষয় নিজে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা।
= It’s a wise decision to paddle your own canoe.
100. To pour oil in trouble water -( অবস্থা, ব্যক্তি) শান্ত করা।
= The greatest man always try to pour in trouble water.
101. Put one’s foot down – দৃঢ় অবস্থান নেওয়া।
= The honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina put her foot down against corruption.
102. Pass the buck – নিজের দোষ অন্যের ঘাড়ে চাপানো।
= It’s unethical to pass the buck.
103. Red rag to a bull – ক্ষেপিয়ে দেওয়ার কারণ।
= Her presence is the red rag to a bull to his boyfriend.
104. Rub shoulders – মেলামেশা করা।
= She rubs shoulder with bad company.
105. Run counter to – বিরোধিতা করা।
= The opposition party is always running counter to government.
important Idioms and phrases
106. Rule of thumb – অভিজ্ঞতালব্ধ পদ্ধতি
= He has solved the critical math by using his rule of thumb.
107. Riding for a fall – বেপরোয়া আচরণ করা।
= After getting severe hurt from his girlfriend, now he is ridding for a fall.
108. Square meal – পেট ভরে আহার।
He is too poor to have a square meal everyday.
109. Sum and substance – সারমর্ম।
= This is the sum and substance of the novel.
110. To put the cart before the horse – স্বাভাবিক শৃঙ্খলা অবস্থা উল্টিয়ে দেওয়া।
= To put the cart before the horse is a simple task to a powerful leader.
111. Pull a long face – মন খারাপ করা।
= During the rainy season, she pulls her long face.
112. Poles apart – দুই বিপরীত মেরুতে অবস্থান করা।
= Two Prime Minister in Bangladesh are in poles apart in their opinions.
113. To pay through the nose – অত্যধিক মূল্য দেওয়া।
= Becoming newly rich, the boy pays through the nose for everything.
114. Queer fish – খেয়ালী লোক।
= I cannot share my business with such a Queer fish.
115. Patch up বিবাদ মিটিয়ে ফেলা।
= Patch up the disputes.
116. Paper tiger – কাগুজে বাঘ।
= I can’t compete with such a paper tiger.
117. Pandora’s box – বিড়ম্বনাপূর্ণ উপহার।
= I couldn’t refuse her Pandora’s box.
118. Palmy day- সুসময়।
= There are lots of friends who are waiting to meet you in your palmy days.
118. Point blank – সরাসরি।
= The girl rejected his offer in point blank.
119. Curtain lectures – স্ত্রীর পরামর্শ।
= Don’t deny curtain lectures, it’s for your betterment.
120. Cupboard love – টাকা পয়সা হাতানোর লোভে প্রেম।
= I anticipated it before that it was your cupboard love to me.
important Idioms and phrases
121. Cat’s paw – অন্যের হাতের পুতুল হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হওয়া।
= During his lifetime, he was used as a Cat’s paw.
122. Chapter and verse – প্রমাণের নিশ্চয়তা।
= The police has given chapter and verse of the matter.
123. Cock sure – আত্মবিশ্বাসী।
= He is cock sure to pass the Bcs exam.
124. Cog in the machine – গুরুত্বপূর্ণ স্থানে গুরুত্বহীন ব্যক্তি।
= The OSd officers are in cog in the machine.
125. Cold feet – কাপুরুষতা।
= He showed cold feet when the girl was attacked by perpetrator.
126. Cut and thrust – হাতাহাতি যুদ্ধ।
= The two friends are in cut and thrust position.
127.Cut someone dead – না চেনার ভান করা।
= After using my everything , now you cut me dead.
128. Catch sight of – এক পলক দেখা।
= I feel so hasty to catch sight of her.
129. Crack the whip – কাজ করিয়ে নেওয়ার জন্য কর্তৃত্ব ব্যবহার।
= The strict manager cracked the whip over his subordinate.
130. Cut and dried – অপরিবর্তিত।
= His cut and dried decision will not be changed.
131. Dead beat – খুব ক্লান্ত।
= After toiling from down to dusk, I am dead beat now.
132. Down in the mouth – তেজহীন।
= She looks down in the mouth.
133. Dark horse – অপরিচিত ব্যক্তি।
= The child got afraid to see the dark horse like him.
134. Down to earth – বাস্তববাদী।
= It’s time to think about down to earth.
135. Donkey work – কোনো কাজের বিরক্তিকর অংশ।
= To solve the geometry seems to me the donkey work.
important Idioms and phrases
136. The die is cast – ঘটে যাওয়া ঘটনা বদলানো সম্ভব নয়।
= His father death is the die is a cast.
137. Eat one’s word – কথা ফিরিয়ে নেওয়া।
= He can’t eat his word.
138. Far and away – অতুলনীয়।
= The decoration is far and away.
139.. Fair and square – I am fair and square in my word.
140. Feet of clay- মূলত ভিতু।
= His attitude shows feet of clay.
141. Fit as a fiddle – ভালো অবস্হায়।
= Mr. Karim is in fit as a fiddle.
142. Going concern – সফল ব্যবসা।
= He is going concern now.
143. Greek and Latin – দুর্বোধ্য।
= what you say is Greek and Latin to me.
আরো পড়ুনঃ